On your first visit I like to use three Naturopathic modalities to hone in on what is most needed and necessary for your bodys individual health journey. I use RBTI Nutritional Analysis, Sclerology and Iridology.
Iridology is said to be the windows to the soul. An analysis determines your genetic strengths and weaknesses, with this information, you can choose to strengthen weak areas of the body that you were born with.
RBTI is an in-office analysis used to determine your entire body chemistry (nutrients available, utilization and cell function). We then can plan your suppliment and/or dietary requirements for good health.
Sclerology is the art and science of analizing the whites of the eye. Sclera lines can develope or receed within minutes or hours and is an excellent tool in determining our healths progress.
Is a drug-free pain relief therapy using frequencies to triggers our body’s natural wellness properties, with over a million frequencies to choose from. This instrument offers a treatment for numerous pain-related issues.
Best value for your money. 2+ hours of all of the mentioned services. Iridology, Sclerology, RBTI Analysis and 30 minutes with the electroderm therapy.